Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Smile 1/100 First Iris

So I decided to unofficially do this for the next 100 days instead of the POTD, just to change things up a bit. When I say unofficially, I just mean that I didn't sign up on the site, but I am going to blog my pics, and share through my Twitter, my Google+ and one of my Facebook groups. I'll be using a hashtag of #findingjoytoday on Twitter and Google+.

I tend to find something to smile about each day and try to enjoy the small beauties that each day contains even if the overall day isn't perfect in any way. This challenge gives me a chance to share those items without the word restrictions of POTD for a bit. We'll see how it goes.

This picture is of the first of the many irises that are planted in this yard. This is a transplant from my sister in law's yard that bloomed last year as well. It is a dwarf iris (so it only gets about 10 inches tall) and I love that it peaks up soon after the daffodils have finished, but before any of the other irises are even budding out yet.

I took this picture with my Fuji Finepix f50 with no flash but macro enabled. I edited it in GIMP 2.6 for color, light and to add a fuzzy border.

Four Years Ago on In My Words...Ikebana Lesson Two-Basic Upright

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