While I think $120 a month for supplements is a lot, I find it hard to believe that anyone can say they thought they would lose weight just from the pills.
The diet itself fully explains that a low calorie diet and exercise is required and I can tell you, that if there were a combination of pills I could take that alone, would cause me to lose weight, I would be all over it, and so would the rest of the country. So I find it hard to believe it was ever advertised as such.
If we can start suing every diet plan in this country on the fact that we didn't lose weight, the diet industry is in for trouble. I am pretty sure they all have "no guarantee" clauses.
I can't stand it when people try to sue and claim ignorance....it just makes them look dumber.
Look at Dr Phil. The man doesn't look like he is thin to me. Hello!
and fatter in the head!!!
But a lot of them do make that claim... At least the crappy ones on TV do. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. If I didn't lose weight then I'm not satisfied. I would like to see the diet industry taken down a peg or 2 but only because they grate.
Oh, me too, I am not by any means saying I am on the diet industry side at all, I think they mislead people all the time and they don't have to back their claims.
I am just saying that in this case, I think it is the name of Dr Phil that is pushing this along...the diet he was pushing, might have been too expensive, but didn't claim to lose weight only on pills.
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