Friday, May 09, 2008


I managed to get off my butt and get some repotting done yesterday. I waited until late afternoon when our backyard was in the shade and then I took all of our house plants out back and moved them all up one size in pots.

I also got all the flowers I purchased last week put into pots and placed around the yard so it looks nice. I need to go back to the store and get more dirt and herbs so I can plant the last pot of herbs.

Once I am done with that, I need to get some yardwork done....there is really no excuse for the state of my front bed, other than procrastination. I am sure the owner drives by and just cringes. There is a dead small tree in there that has to come out as well.

So while I was able to cross off 1 1/2 items off the To Do List above, I still have some work to do. I don't know if the weather will cooperate for actual planting today but at least I can get the shopping part done.


One Year Ago on In My Words...Mom Visit Update


Haha said...

Those plants are probably so happy to stretch out. It felt good to get my hands in the dirt this weekend!

... said...

That is exactly what I thought when I was doing it. In fact, I took my gloves off to plant them.

By the way, you know my love of house plants comes from you. I remember when you taught me about replanting them and how to get the most out of a few plants and pots.