Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!!!

© 1997-2005 BlackDog All rights reserved.
I just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone out there in blogland. Last year wasn't a bad year for me but I am hoping this next one will be even better.

I am not big on resolutions but I would like to enjoy life a bit more, get a bit fitter, and accomplish a few things in this next is that for vague? I just feel that resolutions sometimes just set people up for failure and I would like to start off this year fresh with a new "To Do" list in my hand and not so many detail expectations.

I am already thinking about all the filing I have to do and various other things on my plate before I start back at school in a few weeks. But for now, I am going to take it easy the rest of this glorious weekend and get over this travel cold I got while on vacation for the holidays.

Have a great holiday everyone and hope your New Year starts out like you want it to.


Dave Morris said...

Happy New Year! I hope 2006 is good to you.

... said...

Thanks, you too.

Mind Sprite said...

Happy New Year, Mishka! Sorry I missed you when you were out west. We'll shot for the next time you come out. Hope the New Year is great for you! I'm all for vague resolutions myself, if I make them at all!

Anonymous said...

I am still from the old school of making and trying to keep resolutions - as of today, I am still on track, working out each day, eating healthier and watching portions and I go straight to it after work and allow nothing to get in the way. I am determined to get off Blood Pressure Medication and Cholesteral Medication and have a happy and healthy old age!
Hooray for ha ha!

... said...

Ha-ha, that is so awesome...I am so proud of you. Chicken and I are trying to get in shape too...check us out at Finding My Happy Medium...