Wednesday, December 28, 2005

No Sense at All...

but I am not complaining, just confused.

Okay, remember a couple of weeks ago, when I posted this? Well somehow, I got a 96 on that final exam....I don't know how but I did.

In the process of the final exam we were to write any assumptions we made and I ended up writing this 2 page thing on my assumptions, frustrations, research and irritations in regards to each of the four questions on the exam (three of which we had to answer for the test). Apparently, my instructor liked that assumption blurb more than my answers because I believe my entire grade was based on it. I didn't even completely answer one third of the test and there is no reason in the world why I should have gotten a 96 on that test.

Oh well, that 96 and the 98 I got in participation gave me an A for the course. I don't mind, believe me, I am just in shock. I was totally preparing myself for dealing with a bad grade and now I just keep thinking I must have dreamt that good grade.....


Chicken said...

Just accept it, you rock!

Mind Sprite said...

Sometimes the grading gods smile upon us when we are least expecting it! Consider it compensation for your usual dilligence and effort :)

Anonymous said...

Your mommy is very proud of you and I remember a few times when you did A+ work when the guy in the seat next to you cheated and he got an A and you got a B. It is now just Grade Karma catching up with you!