Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Trees and Snowflakes

Chicken said she wanted to see our trees, so here they are....I didn't use the flash so you could see the lights but that means that they might be a bit fuzzy too...sorry. Oh and I included a group shot of all the snowflakes I cut out of Origami paper to put on various windows...I love cutting out snowflakes.

This is the smaller faux tree from Japan that is sitting in our bay window on the buffet in our dining room.

Small Tree

This is only labled as bigger because for most people, it probably is still considered small (6-7 ft). It is a real Douglas Fir, that needs constant watering.

Bigger Tree

These are up on various windows throughout our house. They were cut from Origami paper, which I have tons of. Snowflakes

Too bad I can't get any good pictures of our house front lit up from the lights. It is so dark on our street that they really do stand out. The pine cones under the bigger tree are from the pine trees in our yard. They are huge and really cool looking. I put some on our porch as well.


Chicken said...

Great pics!! Beautiful trees and I love the snowflakes.

Mind Sprite said...

Very pretty trees! I love the snowflakes. We used to do those a lot when I was a kid, but I haven't done that in years. I might have to try a few this weekend!