Friday, January 12, 2007

Sometimes I Wonder

Okay, we went to NY City this summer and I have had pictures and souveniors ready to put in an album for ages but I couldn't do it because I couldn't find the postcards I purchased to keep for the book...I figured I would find them eventually but had honestly looked every where that I thought they would be.

I had just about resolved myself to the fact that I was going to have to do the book without them, when today, while looking for a pen in the glove box of our truck, J stumbled upon them. I am such a dork....guess that means getting that travel book done is now on my list of things to do. I really need to get pictures from our trip and the holidays uploaded to York because they are having a sale on prints until the 16th and I don't want to pay more for prints than I have to...


Mind Sprite said...

My grandpa always said the best way to find stuff was to stop looking for it!

... said...

That seems to work for me lately...

Girl said...

Tucked away somewhere safe...I do that and find things much later and then wonder why I thought that was such a good place.

... said...

Yeah, I am terrible about putting things in a "safe place" and then not remembering where the safe place is.

I knew I had put the postcards somewhere, because I wanted to make sure I didn't get them mixed up with the ones I buy to send out, but I just couldn't remember where and all the obvious places just didn't have them in them.

kilgorsky said...

I'd live to visit NYC again.

... said...

It was a great can get a synopsis of it on my travel blog...the link is on the side bar in the part of other places I was a lot of fun and we didn't even spend a buttload of money.

Violet said...

I'm a scrapbooking junkie... Although, the addiction comes and goes in waves. I am the same way about refusing to start on that type of project until I feel like I have every single shred of material that I need for it.

... said...

I don't do scrapbooking in the sense that most people think of it now...but I usually fill a regular photo album with pictures, postcards, and any flat souveniors I have from a trip. If I were to do scrapbooks with only a couple of pictures per page...I would have monster photo albums because I take lots of pictures...