Well, the countertops are in, and looking nice. J got the sink hooked up last night while I was running errands but we need to do some touch up painting and another round of caulking before we are through, so most of the kitchen counter stuff is still in the dining room.
Today, I am back to the grindstone to finish up this paper. We are also supposed to turn in our class evaluations soon and I think this prof is going to get dinged a bit by me. He has not be a contributor to our classroom learning at all, his grading is pretty inconsistent and it takes him too long to reply to questions posed to him on emails and in the classroom. I just got a grade for my last homework session which I turned in 4 days late...it was the highest grade I have received yet. I don't get it.
My experience in this entire program as been that as the semester continues, the grades get better. I think the profs get overwhelmed and have to get the grades out faster so they end up not being as thorough or something. Oh, well, last class, last class, last class....that is what I keep telling myself. In fact by the time we leave for our holiday trip, I will be done....I can not wait.
I just got graduation stuff in the mail yesterday. They sent out the usual stuff for us to order, like class rings (that they want just too much money for), announcements, and other items. I was thinking about getting some announcements just to let family know but since they will make reference to the graduation ceremony in May (which I won't be attending), I felt like they would just end up looking like a ploy for gifts. I figure something else out to do an announcement...maybe in my family newsletter (which is way overdue). Anyhow, getting that stuff in the mail made me realize that I am so close...last class, last class, last class.
Well I better go while my mantra is still drumming through my head and try to get this paper finished up.
Wow you guys got those counters up fast especially with all of the screw ups from the last people.
I am so proud of you!! I think that you should send out announcements! This is a huge accomplishment. I don't think it is fishing for gifts.
That is so cool, being THIS close to being done. I'm sure it will be a huge relief. I bet it will be good motivation to get this one last class done and out of the way!
I always figured that my professors graded papers by throwing them down the stairs at their homes. The ones that landed closest got the best grades; the further away, the lower the score.
Why not make your announcements yourself (I love your cards). The pressure will be off and you can wait until next year to do it. I am so proud of you Mishka! Soon you can breathe a big sigh and go off into the sunshine for a well earned trip!
Congratulations on being so close to being done!
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