Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Morning Shots

I finally figured out (with the help of a small freeware program) how to take stills from the Africam at Nhorko Pan.

Here are my bird shots from this morning. Haven't a clue what kind of bird but it was cool looking and super loud.

I just need to figure out how to make the resolution better so it is not so grainy...


Chicken said...

Awesome. I'll have to download that when I get some time.

Mind Sprite said...

You'll have to show me how to do it. I had a great shot of a gazelle feeding on some grass last night.

Violet said...

You look like you are somewhere much warmer than I am. I'm jealous. Nice pictures.

... said...

V- these are pictures I snapped off the Africam...online. I am on the East Coast of the US and it is cold and wet here right now...I wish I was in the warmth of Africa, that would be cool.