Well, the countertops are in, and looking nice. J got the sink hooked up last night while I was running errands but we need to do some touch up painting and another round of caulking before we are through, so most of the kitchen counter stuff is still in the dining room.
Today, I am back to the grindstone to finish up this paper. We are also supposed to turn in our class evaluations soon and I think this prof is going to get dinged a bit by me. He has not be a contributor to our classroom learning at all, his grading is pretty inconsistent and it takes him too long to reply to questions posed to him on emails and in the classroom. I just got a grade for my last homework session which I turned in 4 days late...it was the highest grade I have received yet. I don't get it.
My experience in this entire program as been that as the semester continues, the grades get better. I think the profs get overwhelmed and have to get the grades out faster so they end up not being as thorough or something. Oh, well, last class, last class, last class....that is what I keep telling myself. In fact by the time we leave for our holiday trip, I will be done....I can not wait.
I just got graduation stuff in the mail yesterday. They sent out the usual stuff for us to order, like class rings (that they want just too much money for), announcements, and other items. I was thinking about getting some announcements just to let family know but since they will make reference to the graduation ceremony in May (which I won't be attending), I felt like they would just end up looking like a ploy for gifts. I figure something else out to do an announcement...maybe in my family newsletter (which is way overdue). Anyhow, getting that stuff in the mail made me realize that I am so close...last class, last class, last class.
Well I better go while my mantra is still drumming through my head and try to get this paper finished up.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Countertops Again
Well, the tear out is over...I need to take a picture for my project documentary but right now I have to run to Lowe's and Hellmart before they come back with the new countertops.
It turns out that the idiots that put in the last countertops (or perhaps it was the very first people that put in countertops in this house) cut them wrong and ended up punching out the drywall on one end of the kitchen to make them fit....idiots.
Anyhow, I am half tempted to put a note back there that it wasn't us that did this so that when someone replaces the countertops some day in the future, they don't think we were the idiots...how funny would that be to find?
Needless to say, as soon as they left to go back to the shop to cut the new countertops, I broke out the vacuum and cleaned up all the construction debris from 30 years ago that was still behind the cabinets....I don't understand how they can just put stuff together and not clean up first. Both sides of the cabinets have these open spots in the far corners and there was just piles of sawdust and drywall crumbs in there. Oh, and the idiots that cut the drywall to fit the countertop they messed up in just left the pieces of drywall in the wall in pieces...so of course you know that is gone now too because I just couldn't let it stay there.
Oh well, it is clean now and I better run before they come back to put the new stuff in. So much for schoolwork today, huh?
It turns out that the idiots that put in the last countertops (or perhaps it was the very first people that put in countertops in this house) cut them wrong and ended up punching out the drywall on one end of the kitchen to make them fit....idiots.
Anyhow, I am half tempted to put a note back there that it wasn't us that did this so that when someone replaces the countertops some day in the future, they don't think we were the idiots...how funny would that be to find?
Needless to say, as soon as they left to go back to the shop to cut the new countertops, I broke out the vacuum and cleaned up all the construction debris from 30 years ago that was still behind the cabinets....I don't understand how they can just put stuff together and not clean up first. Both sides of the cabinets have these open spots in the far corners and there was just piles of sawdust and drywall crumbs in there. Oh, and the idiots that cut the drywall to fit the countertop they messed up in just left the pieces of drywall in the wall in pieces...so of course you know that is gone now too because I just couldn't let it stay there.
Oh well, it is clean now and I better run before they come back to put the new stuff in. So much for schoolwork today, huh?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
We are getting new countertops...nothing fancy since we know we are moving but we wanted to update the kitchen and the butcher block looking formica had to go. We ordered the tops (a stone looking formica) a few weeks ago and they are coming tomorrow to take out the old and put in the new. It was so cheap to have them do the install (small local company, Lowe's wanted an arm and a leg) that we decided to let them deal with the headache.
So we had to take some stuff out of the sink cabinet so we could unhook all the plumbing. We purchased a new sink, much like the one we have now and a new faucet, much like the one we have now to replace the old ones. They will take out the old countertops in the morning and will dispose of them and the sink, and will come back in the afternoon with the new countertops and our new sink and install them. We have to do the plumbing but that is no biggie.
So you know what I was doing tonight? You can guess, right? I was sweeping behind and underneath both the refridgerator and the stove (which they will have to move tomorrow) because I didn't want anyone to see the dust bunnies under there. I was even wiping down the old counters where the microwave sits and J said "you don't have to do that", and I said "yes I do...".
I wonder how many others clean all the stuff before they show up...and how many they have to deal with that are just disgusting...
So we had to take some stuff out of the sink cabinet so we could unhook all the plumbing. We purchased a new sink, much like the one we have now and a new faucet, much like the one we have now to replace the old ones. They will take out the old countertops in the morning and will dispose of them and the sink, and will come back in the afternoon with the new countertops and our new sink and install them. We have to do the plumbing but that is no biggie.
So you know what I was doing tonight? You can guess, right? I was sweeping behind and underneath both the refridgerator and the stove (which they will have to move tomorrow) because I didn't want anyone to see the dust bunnies under there. I was even wiping down the old counters where the microwave sits and J said "you don't have to do that", and I said "yes I do...".
I wonder how many others clean all the stuff before they show up...and how many they have to deal with that are just disgusting...
Monday, November 27, 2006
Today was a beautiful day. J and I were able to spend some time outdoors and stopped at one point to note how lucky we were and thankful that our biggest worry was if a goose would poop on us. It was in the mid 70's (supposed to remain that way the entire week...so you know that doing schoolwork is going to kill me), the sun was out, and the sky was clear. We could see and hear birds and squirrels rustling around in the leaves looking for food. I can't believe that we are a week from December and enjoying this weather. It won't last so I am going to absorb it all while I can before real winter actually shows it head around here.
The gym tonight was busier than I have ever seen it...I guess everyone was working off all that food and guilt...haha.
I did some walking before I got there (have a new geocache that I am putting out this week) and then did some more cardio at the gym before weight lifting. The way our gym is set up, many of the cardio machines overlook the gymnasium so you can watch people play basketball or volleyball. Tonight it was basketball and I kept finding myself absorbed in their games, so much so that I would laugh or shout out when they would shoot or miss....luckily for me, everyone around me had headphones on.
I hate to admit it but tonight's music selection was C+C Music Factory (first 4 songs are all the same beat and great for the elliptical machine) and Green Day (great for weight lifting and cardio), that is until my shuffle ran out of juice halfway through my last set of cable cross overs...it is charging on the computer right now.
My newest cache (as soon as it is published) is a puzzle multicache. I hope that the local cachers enjoy it...it really isn't that hard of a puzzle but I'll give a hint if it looks like it is not working out for people. The hike to it is shorter than most of my caches...but I didn't have a choice, I wanted to introduce a new trail I found and it is only so long...
Tomorrow is going to be a school day for sure. I have a paper (the same one) due on Sunday and I want to get the final draft done and out of the way, so I can concentrate on the group project. I have to get all my school work done and finished by the 15th of December because J and I are leaving town that day for the holiday. We'll be back before New Year's Eve, but my class is over officially on the 17th of December, so we just have to push the work forward a few days.
I have a lot of things on my plate right now, I feel like if I can get some of the schoolwork out of the way, I can enjoy the seasonal things I want to do, like decorate our house and get my cards and gift purchasing done. With the 15th as a deadline...I am feeling the crunch.
The gym tonight was busier than I have ever seen it...I guess everyone was working off all that food and guilt...haha.
I did some walking before I got there (have a new geocache that I am putting out this week) and then did some more cardio at the gym before weight lifting. The way our gym is set up, many of the cardio machines overlook the gymnasium so you can watch people play basketball or volleyball. Tonight it was basketball and I kept finding myself absorbed in their games, so much so that I would laugh or shout out when they would shoot or miss....luckily for me, everyone around me had headphones on.
I hate to admit it but tonight's music selection was C+C Music Factory (first 4 songs are all the same beat and great for the elliptical machine) and Green Day (great for weight lifting and cardio), that is until my shuffle ran out of juice halfway through my last set of cable cross overs...it is charging on the computer right now.
My newest cache (as soon as it is published) is a puzzle multicache. I hope that the local cachers enjoy it...it really isn't that hard of a puzzle but I'll give a hint if it looks like it is not working out for people. The hike to it is shorter than most of my caches...but I didn't have a choice, I wanted to introduce a new trail I found and it is only so long...
Tomorrow is going to be a school day for sure. I have a paper (the same one) due on Sunday and I want to get the final draft done and out of the way, so I can concentrate on the group project. I have to get all my school work done and finished by the 15th of December because J and I are leaving town that day for the holiday. We'll be back before New Year's Eve, but my class is over officially on the 17th of December, so we just have to push the work forward a few days.
I have a lot of things on my plate right now, I feel like if I can get some of the schoolwork out of the way, I can enjoy the seasonal things I want to do, like decorate our house and get my cards and gift purchasing done. With the 15th as a deadline...I am feeling the crunch.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Just So You Know
Flannel pjs and flannel sheets do not mix well, unless you enjoy being cocooned in the middle of the night.
It is worth it to buy decent toilet paper....the cheap sh1t doesn't tear right and it is frustrating.
It is worth it to buy decent toilet paper....the cheap sh1t doesn't tear right and it is frustrating.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Cell Phone Recycling
Yesterday was my birthday....and J got me a pay as you go cell phone. If you read my blog at all, you probably know I am not a big cell phone person. Never had one before yesterday and really don't like how the industry is handled in the US so much so, that I vowed if I ever got one for emergencies, it would be a pay as you go phone.
The thing that I found very interesting about my phone was this little bag that was included in the box to recycle cell phones with. The one I had is part of a program Motorola has. There is a link to their site on the title or here. Anyhow, I like anything that has to do with recycling and I thought it was awesome that they included a postage paid bag that you could use to recycle up to three phones in and it didn't matter if they had batteries or what brand they were...how cool is that?
Anyhow, I guess from the website above, you can get postage for free to recycle your old phones too, in case you don't already have one of these handy bags. I recommend doing so, since I read in an article not too long ago that people are filling up landfills with these little non-biodegradable castoffs and it seems to me that recycling them makes so much more sense.
The thing that I found very interesting about my phone was this little bag that was included in the box to recycle cell phones with. The one I had is part of a program Motorola has. There is a link to their site on the title or here. Anyhow, I like anything that has to do with recycling and I thought it was awesome that they included a postage paid bag that you could use to recycle up to three phones in and it didn't matter if they had batteries or what brand they were...how cool is that?
Anyhow, I guess from the website above, you can get postage for free to recycle your old phones too, in case you don't already have one of these handy bags. I recommend doing so, since I read in an article not too long ago that people are filling up landfills with these little non-biodegradable castoffs and it seems to me that recycling them makes so much more sense.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Back To The Grindstone
Well the nice little 3 day break I had is over....I am back to the schoolwork. I have one more comment at a minimum to make on our brainstorming conference. I need to final draft my paper and start research for our group case study analysis assignment.
With all of this, you would think I would be busy researching or something, but instead, I am sitting on the family room floor with the wind and rain pounding away outside, updating my address books and working on my Christmas card list for this year.
All I can say, is at least I am getting something done and not just wasting the day completely, but I am going to be hurting to get at the school work in the next few days so my group mates don't kill me and I don't end up stressing too much.
At this point, my electronic, hardcopy and email address books are all up to date and I have figured out how many cards I have to make before too long.
With all of this, you would think I would be busy researching or something, but instead, I am sitting on the family room floor with the wind and rain pounding away outside, updating my address books and working on my Christmas card list for this year.
All I can say, is at least I am getting something done and not just wasting the day completely, but I am going to be hurting to get at the school work in the next few days so my group mates don't kill me and I don't end up stressing too much.
At this point, my electronic, hardcopy and email address books are all up to date and I have figured out how many cards I have to make before too long.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
One of the things that sucks about being a fast reader...I wait at least a year if not more for my favorite authors to write books and then I end up reading them in about 4 days....wish I were able to spread out the fun a bit longer than that. I just get sucked in and can't stop....terrible.
Friday, November 17, 2006
PlayStation Mayhem - Forbes.com
Someone explain this to me....I don't get the sleeping in line thing and I definitely don't get the robbing and violence. It is a f*cking game, people. In two weeks, no one is going to care that you got one of the first ones. Anyone that would risk going to jail to steal one or kill someone is just an idiot and really needs to be taken out of the gene pool.
Too Much
Okay- I just caught myself trying to scrub off an intentional imperfection (part of the design) on our linoleum floor...I need a break apparently. I had to look under the bath mat at the repeat to make sure it was intentional!!!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Power Outage
We had some wind and rain last night...all the gunk coming up from the Gulf states and the power was out when I woke up this morning.
Wasn't bad, except I couldn't make any coffee, but otherwise, I just read my book and ate cereal. It is funny how you forget about it and try to turn lights on automatically or realize that you won't be able to put your contacts in, in the bathroom because it is too dark in there.
Fortunately, we have lots of windows and skylights in this house and it made most normal functioning, okay. Power is back on now (obviously) and I need to get to work. Guess I can make some lunch now.
Wasn't bad, except I couldn't make any coffee, but otherwise, I just read my book and ate cereal. It is funny how you forget about it and try to turn lights on automatically or realize that you won't be able to put your contacts in, in the bathroom because it is too dark in there.
Fortunately, we have lots of windows and skylights in this house and it made most normal functioning, okay. Power is back on now (obviously) and I need to get to work. Guess I can make some lunch now.
Monday, November 13, 2006
She's Off

Anyhow, we had a great visit. Everytime I see her, I wish I lived near her again (maybe someday soon, who knows). We used to live within an hour and a half and it was so nice to just be able to do weekends with each other (and our hubbys) when we wanted. Now I am lucky if I get to see her twice a year.
We did some geocaching, some exercising, tried to eat right most of the time, soaked in the hottub some, and even drove down and sat on the beach for a bit. We spent a lot of time in the car (long trip to the beach, and two trips to the airport) but it was still time we had to talk and visit so it was okay. We had fun even in the midst of her airline fiasco...got a movie and some good food in while we were waiting. The only thing we didn't get done that we were supposed to get done was a little fire in the new pit we have but our timing and weather didn't allow for it (we'll do it soon, Haha, promise).
Anyhow, it looks like we got her off today without any problems, and I hope her connection is smooth as well as the pick up of her suitcase (which somehow got there without her). I know she had a good time and we did as well so I guess the trip was a success. I can't wait to see her and B again...maybe in the spring if I end up going out that way. We'll see I guess.
Love you sis, I had a blast, and was so sad to see you go. I hope you and B can get out here before next fall so we can show you all some other cool stuff.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
She's Coming

I didn't fly out this fall to the West coast like I usually do so this trip of hers is making up for the time we would have if I had come that way. I am glad she decided to come because I don't think I could have gone a year without seeing her...that would be too long for sure. Even when I was in Japan, we never went a year without seeing each other. I flew to the West coast every 6 months to deal with our house and visit family and she came out to visit me twice.
Anyhow, it should be a fun weekend. Hopefully neither of us will be thinking about schoolwork we have looming over our heads and we'll just be able to enjoy the time off and together. Hasta luego folks...I have sh1t to do before she gets here!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Morning Shots
I finally figured out (with the help of a small freeware program) how to take stills from the Africam at Nhorko Pan.
Here are my bird shots from this morning. Haven't a clue what kind of bird but it was cool looking and super loud.


I just need to figure out how to make the resolution better so it is not so grainy...
Here are my bird shots from this morning. Haven't a clue what kind of bird but it was cool looking and super loud.


I just need to figure out how to make the resolution better so it is not so grainy...
Sunday, November 05, 2006

First off, the team we were playing were a bunch of freaking babies...you couldn't touch them without them falling on the ground crying, grabbing some body part. It was pathetic. I figure if you can't handle playing a contact sport, then you need to get off the field.
So in the first half, there was some miscommunication between one of our defenders and our keeper and we basically gave the other team a goal...they didn't even have to work for it. I know the girls involved felt horrible but a goal is a goal.
In the second half, we were playing "hurry up offense" and the other team seemed to use all their "injuries" as away to waste time off the clock so we couldn't get a score in. I mean seriously, near the end of the second half they had 5 injuries in a 7 minutes span....it was ridiculous and completely frustrating for me.
I didn't shake hands with the other team because I felt like they played underhandenly and their spectators were nothing but a bunch of @ssholes. Forget that they are all supposed to be adults and act more mature than they did. I wonder if they would ever even think about how embarrassing they were being to themselves. I didn't say anything to them because it would have just given them fuel for the fire.
I left the field completely pissed off and irritated. I didn't even stay long enough to take off my gear, I just changed my cleats for tennies and headed out. I drove the long way so I could cool off before getting home. It sucked but at least I got some calories burned.
Iraqi tribunal sentences Saddam to hang - Yahoo! News
Finally...some closure. I can't say I will be sad to see this person gone from the Earth. Although he looks like a sad old man on the TV, I know what kind of terror he dealt to those who opposed him in his country for so long, and that given the chance, he would be right back at it.
Just wish we could have gotten rid of him last decade when we were there the first time under more legitimate pretenses, and saved all of us a lot of blood, horror, and misery.
Just wish we could have gotten rid of him last decade when we were there the first time under more legitimate pretenses, and saved all of us a lot of blood, horror, and misery.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Strange But Comforting
The other afternoon, J and I were sitting on the family floor taking a little midafternoon nap. The way naps work for me ( a lot of the time), is that I feel very tired, so I lay down and doze off. If I am woken up after about 15 minutes, I can't go back to sleep but still feel very rested. J, on the other hand, can keep sleeping if he wants, the small "wake up" doesn't affect him like it does me. If I sleep longer than the 15 minutes, I often waken feeling a bit groggy and tired.
Anyhow on this particular day, for some reason, we had fallen to sleep with our heads together. I don't remember falling completely asleep (I felt aware of my surroundings but I was also dreaming). In the dream, I was talking with him and I made some kind of joke. In real life, J laughed, which woke me up completely (it was about 15 minutes anyway). I don't know if it was just a coincidence or if having our heads that close together allowed us to share a dream, but it was kind of weird.
Then the following morning, I decided I was going to make a bigger breakfast for the two of us (usually we eat cereal or toast). My standard weekend breakfast is fried potatoes with onions, bellpepper and eggs, that we usually eat in flour tortillas with salsa and sour cream. I came to making these breakfasts because when we first got married (15 years ago), I found out that J didn't like eggs scrambled with nothing in them. I started making them with lots of stuff in them and wrapping them in tortillas so we could eat them on the go. Sometimes I worry that I make it too often and we don't have enough variation on breakfast.
Anyhow, that morning, I had mentioned to him that I was going to make breakfast so he wouldn't eat any cereal by mistake. I went about making our bed, and doing my usual morning routine (which, when I am alone, means I don't usually eat, right off). I had decided without telling J that I was going to make pancakes and fried eggs instead of the usual. By the time I got into the kitchen, J was already preparing breakfast and he was making pancake and eggs....isn't that weird? I told him that I had thought I would make that, and we both chuckled.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we are so perfectly tuned that we can sense each other's feelings and thoughts (as nice as that might be sometimes)...if it was a regular occurence, I definitely wouldn't be commenting on it here. The fact that we had two weird little things in two days is what made me notice. I guess we were just synchronized that weekend for some reason.
Anyhow on this particular day, for some reason, we had fallen to sleep with our heads together. I don't remember falling completely asleep (I felt aware of my surroundings but I was also dreaming). In the dream, I was talking with him and I made some kind of joke. In real life, J laughed, which woke me up completely (it was about 15 minutes anyway). I don't know if it was just a coincidence or if having our heads that close together allowed us to share a dream, but it was kind of weird.
Then the following morning, I decided I was going to make a bigger breakfast for the two of us (usually we eat cereal or toast). My standard weekend breakfast is fried potatoes with onions, bellpepper and eggs, that we usually eat in flour tortillas with salsa and sour cream. I came to making these breakfasts because when we first got married (15 years ago), I found out that J didn't like eggs scrambled with nothing in them. I started making them with lots of stuff in them and wrapping them in tortillas so we could eat them on the go. Sometimes I worry that I make it too often and we don't have enough variation on breakfast.
Anyhow, that morning, I had mentioned to him that I was going to make breakfast so he wouldn't eat any cereal by mistake. I went about making our bed, and doing my usual morning routine (which, when I am alone, means I don't usually eat, right off). I had decided without telling J that I was going to make pancakes and fried eggs instead of the usual. By the time I got into the kitchen, J was already preparing breakfast and he was making pancake and eggs....isn't that weird? I told him that I had thought I would make that, and we both chuckled.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we are so perfectly tuned that we can sense each other's feelings and thoughts (as nice as that might be sometimes)...if it was a regular occurence, I definitely wouldn't be commenting on it here. The fact that we had two weird little things in two days is what made me notice. I guess we were just synchronized that weekend for some reason.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Pumpkins Lit
Here are my lit pumpkins (that I did for Halloween). I couldn't get Blogger to publish them on the other post so I thought I would put them here for looks....haha.

My spider pumpkin

J's skull pumpkin
The pic of mine came out sharper but the pumpkins were fading fast, so I had to go with what I had. Since then, we have had two frosts and those two pumpkins are getting a bit old looking. They need to be yardwasted at this point. My other pumpkins (that aren't carved) are doing okay, and I hope I can get them carved up before Tday for some fall decoration.


The pic of mine came out sharper but the pumpkins were fading fast, so I had to go with what I had. Since then, we have had two frosts and those two pumpkins are getting a bit old looking. They need to be yardwasted at this point. My other pumpkins (that aren't carved) are doing okay, and I hope I can get them carved up before Tday for some fall decoration.
Haha, and Chicken got me addicted to this site. The main page has several links to various webcams but this button is to the Nkorho Pan webcam which is near a natural watering hole in Africa. You can check out some great wildlife images and the sounds alone are worth the visit.
I made a button for two of my blogs using their logo on their main page (I emailed them first to make sure it was okay). If you want the html code to add the button to your blog, let me know.

I made a button for two of my blogs using their logo on their main page (I emailed them first to make sure it was okay). If you want the html code to add the button to your blog, let me know.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Halloween Fun

We ended up at the last minute heading over to a friend's house for the night. She has a son who is 4 and another one of our friends with 3 kids was coming over too so we decided to make a night of it. My friend L dressed up at Aurora, the princess from Sleeping Beauty because that is what her son decided she should be (he is on a dragon kick right now). He was dressed up as dinosaur from the jurassic period called an Allosaur. His outfit was very cute. Her husband was a sorceror of some sort.
I wore my lion costume (one of the few ones I have that I can keep warm in) and my friend JB was in a witch costume. Her oldest daughter was a witch too, the middle one was Aurora and the youngest (7 weeks old) was in a little ghost and goblin outfit. I have covered up the faces to protect the innocent and since I was the one taking pics, I am not in any of them....haha.
We had some pizza and opened the door to lots of trick or treaters and then did some trick or treating ourselves. One of the last houses we went to was very spooky, they did a terrific job of decorating it up. The porch was all dark and there was a sign with black light reading "Take Only One". We bent down to get the little ones some candy and this guy jumped out of the dark and scared the crud out of the kids...I saw him coming so I didn't scream like I would have had I not known. The kids (both 3 and 4) almost ran and then started to cry a bit. We left that house and the rest of the night, they talked about how they didn't want to go to any more spooky houses....
Well, that is it folks, I better run, still have to get black nail polish off my nails. Today is the last nice day for us for a while so I have to get in the yard and make some headway.
(Blogger is being lame and not letting me get the other two photos on here...I will try again later)
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