Looks like we might have bore beetles in the pine that was struck by lightening in April...this means we have to take it out...no more procrastinating, I need to get an electrical estimate for all the other things that were damaged during the lightening strike so we can file a homeowners claim with our insurance....grr...this is going to be a pain in the butt.
I will have to make some calls tomorrow. Damn!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about the tree. I know you were hoping it would make it.
Good luck with the claim.
Thanks, I am going to try to get some of the calling on that done today....
I am so sorry that you are going to lose the tree. Better to get it taken out though so it doesn't fall and damage your property or possibly the neighbors. We will be taking a few small trees out that are crowded and doing some major pruning as soon as the trees are in their dormant mode.
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