Sunday, July 02, 2006

Sad Bluebird News

I got home after being gone for 2 weeks and the 5 blue bird eggs that had been in the nest for a week when I left were still there. For some reason, that second clutch just doesn't do well, I don't know if it just gets too hot or what. I took the nest out and put it in a nearby bush (I can't make myself crush the eggs or anything like that), and hopefully it is not too late in the season and they will build a last nest and lay some more eggs...don't know what I can do to help them keep them cool though...


Chicken said...

That is a bummer. Did you see the parents aroung any where?

... said...

Not right now but I am going to update the feeders with new food today and with the old nest being gone, I am hoping to see them in the next few days...

Joanne said...

They need a window unit. :)