that I am on top of getting our laundry done and folded without needing all clothes in the house to be used up, but for some reason, I can't seem to get the folded clothes into the drawers until they have lived in and off our bed in the laundry basket for a week?
I don't know, but if you figure it out, will you let me know? I have the exact same problem. :)
I don't have that problem because we do our laundry at the mat. We tend to wait until we have no clothes left so when we get home we have several baskets with our entire wardrobe in them. If I had a washer and dryer I'd probably get into that habit.
May I offer a suggestion. When I fold the clothes they are folded in his and her piles with all t shirts together, unders, pants. One scoop and into the drawers they go-take your hangers to the laundry area for hang-up clothes and into the closest they go. There is a wacky science to it, but it has worked for me.
Haha---I do all that, and the hung up clothes are done right away, but I tend to fold laundry in the living room and bring it back to our room in baskets and I just don't get it put in the drawers from I did so much already, I just can't do the extra little bit to finish up....weird but I am sure I'll get those things in the drawer soon....hee hee.
I was trying to figure out how I got out of that habit and I think I got it. I don't use a laundry basket when they are done! I fold them (by type, like Ha Ha, for easy putting away) in a pile and carry the pile into the bedroom. They will fall over, get mixed up or the cat sleep on them if I leave them out, so I put them away right away. Don't know if that will work for you, but it does for me :)
Sounds like a good idea...thanks everyone...
Because you are just like me. I do the same, I leave things folded on the kitchen table for a week, taking socks and towels off the table as I need them.
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