Friday, March 30, 2007

NPR : New Study Could Change Approach to Heart Health

Here is a quote from this article that I have heard in radio form several times this week...

"a new study found that a healthy lifestyle and drug treatment could be just as good at preventing heart attacks as angioplasty and the insertion of stents"

While this is great, meaning less people should have to go under the knife...the reason that most of them have to go under the knife is because a "healthy lifestyle" is not something they seem to be able to accomplish on their own. It is like having a study that says, exercise and eating right is as effective as gastric bypass in helping people to lose weight....yeah, we know that but sometimes the exercise and eating right is beyond the grasp of the individual's will power.

I am by no means advocating surgical fixes to things that could otherwise be fixed by living healthy lifestyle, I am just griping about the fact that we always have these studies come out (that I am sure cost tons of money) stating obvious facts that we all already know. Can't we spend that money somewhere studying something we don't know instead?


Chicken said...

Like finding a cure for cancer?

... said...


Girl said...

Those types of studies where they pay to have someone tell us stuff we know drives me nuts. I don;t think having someone tell me that fast food is bad for me is a worthwhile expenditure of my tax dollars.