Thursday, March 01, 2007

Turn Around Day

If you can believe it, I have been too sick over the last few days to even think about sitting at my computer for any length of time. Normally, a head cold (when I get them which is not often) makes me feel bad for about 3 days and then I start to feel better as it moves into my chest.

Three days ago, I thought I was going to start to feel better and each day, the turnaround day did not come. Yesterday, after another horrible night of no sleep (even on Nyquil), I decided I better see if things were going to need some help. After making some phone calls to the advice nurse and our insurance, I decided to see a doctor to make sure I was okay.

Normally I wouldn't go to a doctor for a cold...they can't do anything for you and if they do give you something, it just so that you don't feel like you wasted your time, but in reality, colds and flu just have to run their course. My problem was that this cold didn't seem to be running its course and if anything, it was getting worse, and I was feeling really drugged up. The advice nurse confirmed what I had predicted (my cold had turned ugly), and her recommendation to get to urgent care was all I needed.

I saw the doctor yesterday and it turns out that I have a sinus infection. I have never had one before, so it explains why this "cold" seemed so different. This one hurt really bad from day one and I have never had a "cold" do that to me before. This one also started in my chest, which is also not normal for me.

Regardless, I am on antibiotics and prescription strength cold medicine now and last night, I actually slept through the night without feeling completely doped up. It was fabulous. I am starting to feel better today but I am going to continue to take it easy until I kick this thing. I had to get up early this morning to take the cat in for dental work but I am planning to eat some breakfast, take some medicine and hit the couch with a box of kleenex, my afghan and a pillow. If I can get some more rest in, I am sure I will be feeling better soon.

The antibiotics seem to be giving my body the kick it needed to beat this little bug up and as soon I can hear again, I will know for sure that I am on my way to recovery....haha.


Chicken said...

Make sure you eat acidophilus while you are taking the antibiotics.

... said...

Yeah, I already got them to give me some Diflucan...just in case...

Mind Sprite said...

That is the same thing that happened to me a couple times last year. I started feeling better almost immediately with the antibiotics. This sounds like a day to curl up on the couch with a good book or a chick flick! I always watch them when I'm home sick :)

Haha said...

I am so glad that you went to the doc - I knew the way this "cold" traveled was not normal and when you have that much pain as you were experiencing, it had to be more than the usual cold. I am glad you are already feeling somewhat better. I wish I had some homemade chicken soup, I would spoon feed you while you lounged on the sofa....I love you!

Peeved Michelle said...

I wonder if it related to how cold this winter has been in some parts of the country. When I was in college in Alaska, I was always getting sinus infections. I never had them before and I haven't had them since.

Violet said...

Glad that you are feeling a little better. I totally understand how staring at a computer screen is completely unappealing when you are feeling under the weather. Hopefully, you'll be back to feeling healthy soon!

... said...

Thanks for all the good wishes guys...

PM- I don't know if it is that, or the fact that I have dodged the cold bullet about a thousand times this winter and it finally caught up with me...haha. I just know that sinus infections hurt and I will be thrilled to never have one again...