Monday, December 04, 2006

IMPORTANT!!! Unger Report on the ATS

You have to go to this website and hear the Unger Report on NPR about the ATS. It is the database rating system for travelers that was reported about in my post earlier this week. I am so happy to hear that NPR picked up on it and I hope someone makes a huge deal out of this thing....I thought Unger did a great job on this one. His satire is hilarious.

It is also offered as a podcast if you want to download it to Itunes but I figured I could do the link here to the page and you could listen to it in Realplayer or WMP if you wanted...

The link is in the title to this post or here. Let me know what you think....


SJ said...

It's absolutely shocking. I am now in no doubt that the trouble I had on my last trip was all down to this shit..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. I'm loading it on my iPod and will listen on the way to work tomorrow.

Chicken said...

I wonder where I am am on the list after my in and outs with the security lines. So F*cked up!