Thursday, August 04, 2005

Speed Limit, People, Speed Limit

I don't understand people that drive 50 in a 45 and then that same 50 in a 55....if you aren't going to speed, at least go the limit...or get out of my way.


Chicken said...

I get mad when people drive really fast uphills and then slow down downhill. It also pisses me off when people drive slow and then when you attepmt to pass them in a passing lane they speed up. It's almost as if their egos will be crushed if you pass them.

... said...

Here people like to use their cruise control on rural highways so when they reach a hill, they slow down terribly...that is another one that drives me nuts...

Mind Sprite said...

I followed some old guy for 10 minutes today that slowed down almost to a stop at every intersection, even though there was no stop sign. That was fun....

Anonymous said...

I have had to drive many miles to work and back and I have seen it all. Tailgaters are still my pet peeve as they cause so many accidents. The rule of thumb and Oregon Law says one car lenth for every 10 miles an hour. No I haven't forgot driving in LA at 65 to 75 miles an hour 5 feet from the bumper in front of me. Now your lucky to go 5 miles an hour during rush hour which lasts from 5a to 8p. I don't miss it!