Sunday, January 05, 2014

POTD Day 5 Found

Today was a weird day. I woke up to hearing all the chimes on the porch clanging together. I looked out and the sun was out and there was no frost on the ground. I checked Weather Underground on my phone and it said it was 43 degrees out (which is unheard of at 7am in January here). So I got up and went out back to check our porch thermostat and it said it was almost 50 degrees in the shade. I was blown was almost balmy.

I texted with my SIL who lives about 10 miles away and she was at 24 with fog and frost...25 degrees of difference in 10 miles with no real elevation difference. Crazy. Later in the afternoon we got close to 60 degrees so I decided to take advantage and turned off the heat for the house and opened up a bunch of windows to circulate in some fresh air. I also decided that I absolutely had to get a walk in for the exercise and to absorb some vit D from the sun.

I was able to go on my walk with shorts and a long sleeve running shirt. So I took this shot of my legs because I FOUND them was the first time they have seen the sun in weeks and it felt great. I managed to get in 60 walking lunges too so I will be feeling some muscles tomorrow. I wasn't even 1/2 mile into the walk and was feeling all the benefits of the vigorous exercise as well as the was amazing!

I took this picture with my Fuji Finepix f50 with no flash in the afternoon sun on our pool deck (the only spot that still had sun for my photo idea). I edited it in GIMP 2.6 for color, light, and added the fuzzy border.

Last Summer on In My Words...Driving Some Balls

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