Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bravo Focus Features

If there is one thing that irritates me about renting movie discs, it is the tease that most of them are doing these days (particularly anything produced by Sony) regarding special or bonus features. Special features are part of the fun of renting a movie and the stinginess of the movie industry is just astounding.

It seems like to me, if you aren't going to let a user see the special or bonus features, then don't put the icon on the disc. I hate clicking on it thinking I am going to be able to see them, and then you get that nasty little note from them stating that "this is only a rental disc, and if you purchase it, you can enjoy the special or bonus features",...jackasses.

So I have gotten in the habit now of not even clicking on those links anymore because the mean message irritates me so. Imagine my surprise when I went to take a shower after a movie tonight, while the credits were running, and came out to see the disc on the bonus features page. And then I hesitatedly pushed the play button, and the bonus features actually played!! Isn't that nice?

So I wanted to mention that Focus Features was the producer and they deserve a huge BRAVO!!

Six Years Ago on In My Words...I Got Lucky

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