Wow, I just read
this blog post on Netflix's blog. I added a sizeable comment as well.
They are shooting themselves in the foot in my opinion. For those customers that opt to do both options, it will become a complete and total hassle and they will be better off just sticking with streaming and getting movies from Blockbuster or Redbox...in fact, it is pretty much the same as doing that, even if stay with Netflix, only they will be paying more for it than they would if they were to go to one of their competitors.
Once the site separates, I will probably stop the DVD at home option all together since I am one of those renters that keeps a movie for ages (which is not economical for me at all) and adding in the additional cost hikes with this new requirement to maintain my queue and ratings on two different sites will just not be worth it. It will suck since there are flicks that Netflix has that you can't get at BB or Redbox, but oh well. I think this will force me to start watching more as they come out and perhaps eventually they will be on streaming. As it is right now, the movies available on streaming from Netflix are lacking and I tend to mostly stream old TV shows so I don't have to watch commercials on cable television.
I went to their site though, and subscribed to both of my queues via RSS feed so that if I do end up closing down the DVD at home portion of my account, at least I will have the list of movies I want to watch or have been recommended to me by friends.
Three Years Ago on In My Words...