Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sparsely Living

So our big shipment is gone and we are living with the bare essentials. We have done this fact, we had to do it for 3 months while we waited to close on a house a few years ago so we are old pros at it.

Things that I can't live without or will make our live much easier than if we didn't have them include:

Chinese hotwater maker
French press
Rice cooker
Foreman Grill
Emulsion blender
Futon mats
Tatami chairs/cushions
Tatami tables
Grass mat
Small TV
DVD Player
Computer x2
Food trays
Pillows and sheets
1 set of towels
Snorkeling stuff
Golfing stuff
Swimming stuff
Yoga mat, balance ball, balance disc, resistance bands

Then of course we have clothes, food, appliances (that don't belong to us), and paperwork stuff.

I don't mind the simplified life...makes finding things super easy, that is for sure. The only thing is that my computer is still sitting on a borrowed desk and the camp chair I am sitting at is not tall enough to make being on the computer at all comfortable so I have a pillow folded in half now that I am sitting on top of just to get some height...haha.

Chase is down to her little cat tent (which will go in my suitcase), and her litter box and food dishes...on the 31st when our next shipment goes, she'll be down to just plastic ware for food and litter so we can ship the rest of it. She'll be at the kennel by then and we'll be in a hotel so it won't matter too much.


Three Years Ago on In My Words...Hitting Bumps But Living Through It

1 comment:

Chicken said...

Wow that is sparse. Hope your trip goes well and keep me informed on how things are going. I love you!