Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Ocean

Why is it that the ocean has such a huge effect on me? I was walking the other morning for exercise but because we have a typhoon churning in the region the winds were gusty and the water was rough-looking. This cause the ocean to smell awesome (usually here you don't smell the ocean as much unless the tide is out and there is plenty of kelp).

As I was walking along the beach at one point, I had to stop, face the water, close my eyes and just breathe it all in. It always makes me want to contemplate life and to I know why so many writers (in movies and such) are writing at the just moves you to be creative and bigger than yourself.

I love it and I don't know how I am going to live so far away from it ever again.....I think I might have to have a beach home to escape to in the future when I am not on an island surrounded by the lovely ocean anymore.


One Year Ago on In My Words...Open and Moving


Girl said...

I love the ocean as well and find that when life is sending me crackers it's a place I go to just settle.

kilgorsky said...

Mishka, have you got any exotic food stories from the trip?

Haha said...

I love it too - the smell, sand, sealife and the fact that it is a great way to get rid of the cobwebs. I always feel rejuvenated when I visit, plus my coastline is very beautiful too!