Friday, September 14, 2007

Typhoon Nari


Well the second one to hit while we have been here is upon us. This will be our first in our new house. Looks like it won't be a bad one but it is getting here faster than most. Should be here by tonight. I guess I will have to get outside and get things situated so we aren't suprised in the middle of the night by something coming through one of the many glass walls we have in this place....

Update at 6:18pm:

Nothing major has happened yet but I did find this cool picture of it on the radar site. I went outside and made sure that most everything is tied down or put away. Highest winds are supposed to be later tonight.

Update 1010pm:

The storm is getting a bit stronger but seems to be passing by the bottom of us rather than right over us. The winds should shift to the other direction here soon. Windows are whistling but nothing is too bad. Chase is not thrilled with any of it.


Chicken said...

Besides the storm is Chase getting used to things?

... said...

Yep, back to her usual stuff. I need to clip her nails so she doesn't tear up the floors with her skidding on the wood...