Monday, August 20, 2007

Moving Day

Today we move into the house and out of the hotel. We get some furniture today but most of our stuff will come tomorrow and next Tuesday. I am thrilled to get out of a suitcase...will be nice.

I had to shoo a large gecko out of the house this morning while I was over there waiting for the movers. I am at the hotel clearing out now (waiting for a couple of emails from our mortgage guy in Oregon). We won't have Internet at the house for a while and I want to make sure I get as many of the emails I need for our new house in Oregon as I can before we are cut off. I have the car loaded up and will get out of here as soon as that email hits my box.

Later today I plan to talk to the Internet people and see when we can get things hooked up. I have some stuff in the fridge that needs to be moved too and I am waiting as long as I can on that one since we don't have a fridge at the house until the movers get there today.

I'll get some pics of the house up as soon as I can....things are just busy and crazy now.


Haha said...

WooHoo - a real house to live in! I am so excited for you, you both must be tired of "living out of the trunk life" - Home Sweet Home!

Chicken said...

I can't wait to see what your new house looks like!

kilgorsky said...

Finally you got your own place again. Congrats.