Thursday, October 22, 2015

TC Summit 2015

What a whirlwind this week has been but it was so informative and a ton of fun. Google did it right, once again!!

It was great to catch up with all of the Blogger Team and to meet some new people as well. I am heading back home and so thankful to only have a short flight with no heart goes out to all our friends that have 18-24 hour flights ahead of them!!

This year they kept us in San Francisco and the hotels were in a cool part of town so we were able to get out and about a bit as well. In fact, went on a trek last night with a few friends for some great food in Chinatown....didn't end up at Chinese but the Vietnamese stirfry I had was awesome!!

Obviously we are all under NDA so we can't disclose any of the cool stuff we found out that might be coming down the pipe but Google did share some cool toys with all of us and I am excited to get a chance to play with them.

Time to start boarding the flight so I will close for now...

Two Years Ago on In My Words...Google Gift

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you had another wonderful trip. Your volunteer work is obviously appreciated. Can hardly wait to see your great swag and hear the stories of your sightseeing and great food. Love you Mishka!