Friday, March 27, 2015

Work Tulips

The beds out front at work always have some cool plants in them...I am not sure if the tulips are left in year around, and some of the other seasonal stuff is just brought in and taken out when it dies, but the tulips are in full bloom now and I was determined to remember to get a shot of them before they disappeared.

I walk past them each day on my way for my break walk and of course, I am in a hurry then and rarely have my camera and then by the time I go back in, I have forgotten about them...but not today. I finished my walk a little early, went straight to my desk and grabbed my camera to get a shot in the morning sun.

Tulips are such a happy flower and always feel like a true sign that spring is on its way.

Five Years Ago on In My Words...Ikebana Lesson #1

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