While to most of us, it seems like Facebook gives us more opportunity to stay in touch and keep family and friends up to date...I sometimes have to wonder if it is the exact opposite.
Yes, I do check in with Facebook regularly (too regularly probably) and when I do post something new on my main blog, it does feed into my Facebook Notes to update my friends and family there. The problem is that because I feel like I am so connected, I have completely slacked off on any real correspondence, and believe me, I am a corresponder. I don't write emails much, I don't write snail mails much, and I definitely don't make phone calls. I have gotten so used to providing little "bites" of info, that I really feel like I don't have much to say that would be worth spending time writing an email,letter or even a blog post for that matter.
Reality is that I am providing "tidbits" to hundreds of friends on Facebook daily and to those that read my blog when I update it, but nothing really personal and definitely nothing to those that don't use computers, like our grandparents. Due to my need to maintain a bit of anonymonity I have to keep things a bit vague and inpersonal on the web, so that dictates a certain level of correspondence on Facebook and Blogger.
There is no excuse though, for emails, letters and phone calls that I am just not making to those close to me. I need to get back to writing personal, real correspondence to those I love. It has been too long.
Five Years Ago on In My Words...
Procrastination Has Taken Over