Saturday, October 03, 2009

Weather On My Side of the World

Just love this picture from the JMA site....both storms in one shot. Parma is hanging out and probably flooding parts of the Philippines before it looks like it is going give Taiwan a drive by, and Melor has moved through the Guam/Yap area (haven't heard how much damaged might have been caused there), and is going to turn up this way towards mainland Japan. We aren't supposed to get anything but some peripheral weather from either of them but they are sure beautiful to look at on this satellite image.

I have heard on the news that Taiwan has evacuated some of the hill villages in anticipation, since the last storm that went through that region flooded everything and killed people. From what I have heard Manila (which flooded just last week from another storm) is being spared from Parma for the most part, but if Parma hangs out for the three days that it is forcasted for, they could still end up with more rain than they need during this recovery period.

We are cloudy and rainy today and I am sure it will last until Melor gets past us and up towards mainland. It is nice because it means that I don't have to water, but it also means that all the other yardwork I need to do is kind of on hold....


Four Years Ago on In My Words...Epiphany

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