Saturday, March 01, 2008


I hate that iTunes is not intuitive if you need to move your music to another harddrive, file or spot on your computer...I should be able to point the whole damn program to the new folder and it should just say okay rather than making me point every single damn song to the new folder.....grrrr.


Chatty said...

I went through that yesterday, but since I've got a Mac, I remembered I could highlight all and drag into the iTunes window. It is a pita.

Chicken said...

William has had to do it several times with hundreds of songs. He was able to do it by playing them in groups. Afterwards, he found what he think is a way around it and it involves the .xml file although he hasn't tried it yet. You should Google the problem.

... said...

I have found a faster way. I have added the folder to the library and it imports all the songs in that folder but that means I have to go in and delete the duplicates from the library that are not linked any longer...