Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I found out last night, that not only do I have home work due this week in class (and this is no little homework) but I also have to have the outline and at least 12 references for my paper that is not due until December ready by Sunday because we have to have our first drafts to our peer reviewers in two weeks.

Needless to say, it is good that J is not here and I am able to get some things done without being distracted. Yesterday was supposed to be the start of my diligence but the TV did me in...this morning, I turned it off after breakfast and only an hour and a half later, I have already gotten most of my research material done and also 2/3 of the homework...it is amazing what turning off the boob tube can do for you.

This class is still boring as hell but I think I need to get focused, buckle down and get through it...after December, I will be a free woman, done with this degree and looking forward to whatever lies on the horizon.


Chicken said...

Right on Sis. I know you will get an 'A' in this class too.

Haha said...

Woohoo - the end is in sight, now what will you do with all that time on your hands after school is over....I know, I know....we have all seen the list! Good job!