Saturday, February 07, 2015

Goodbye Tree

So I said I would get a pic of the downed tree across the this shot, the renter was cleaning it up. He ended up cutting the entire trunk down to the ground...bummer for that shade.

A few days later, the property management company came and picked up the scraps. He stacked the biggest pieces he kept for fire wood but the branchy parts all went to the yard wasted people.

I'll be curious if the tree doesn't grow back since those plum trees are pretty hard to keep down once they get established.

Speaking of plum trees, we have 8000 little baby ones coming up in the grass in the front lawn from the seeds of last years plums. I will have to get out there with a tool and pop them all back up. I can't believe how easy these freaking trees grow!!

Two Years Ago on In My Words...Poor Plum Tree

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