Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Update Fail

So, I guess in December Barnes and Noble came out with an update to the OS on the Nook could go to their site and connect your Nook and download it manually (which a lot of people complained didn't work that well), or you could just wait and it would update itself when you were connected to a WiFi spot. My Nook Color is on the WiFi network I set up, but no matter what I did (short of manually downloading it), nothing seemed to trigger it to update.

Normally, I am not a huge fan of updates of any fact on most of my electronic devices I opt to do updates manually so I can pick and choose what I want to update, but I was kind of looking forward to this update because it is supposed to give users the ability to watch Netflix on the Nook, which could be very handy when between books.

Anyhow, the other morning, I woke up to find that my Nook Color had finally updated on its own. There are of course weird little issues that I have to get used to as any update is going to cause changes in how things operate. I don't like how now I have to click on the Nook button twice to close an app rather than just once like before. I also don't like that it added words under all of my apps on the desktop and I really hate that...I liked it better with just icons, and I have yet to find a way to adjust it.

What I really don't understand is why my Goodreads app stopped working and when I followed the instructions they gave me to follow, it didn't help. This was a free app that allowed me to update my Goodreads account from my Nook (makes sense since they are both book relate, right?). So I thought, well, I'll just delete it and reinstall it....yeah except now it isn't free is 1 cent???? Really???? They want 1 penny for it and they are really going to go through all the hassle to bill my credit card for the 1 penny???

I am really beginning to wonder who the brainchild on this one is. Oh, and I have yet to figure out how to get the Netflix streaming to work.

Please don't read this as a complaint against my Nook Color....I LOVE MY NOOK COLOR. I just think that the brains behind the apps might not be thinking outside the box at times...

Five Years Ago on In My Words...Spitting
I actually got some hints from my sis on this...just need to give it a go!

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