Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Gorgeous Day

Today is absolutely beautiful outside. We have had a week or two of warm muggy days....pending thunderstorms that really don't produce enough rain to water anything, and no wind. It has been hot and humid in all ways that it can be.

Today, it is in the mid-80s so far, and dry as a bone outside. I actually have the window in the office open right now...and it is so nice. I walked down the street to the coffee machine to get a cold one and I couldn't believe how nice it was outside. I might have to open up some other windows in the house once the sun moves off the windows.

Now granted, it is only 10:30am so things could change but I would love it, absolutely love it, if this weather lasted all day....too bad I have a meeting at 6pm or I would be BBQing for sure....


Two Years Ago on In My Words....Tiles

1 comment:

Haha said...

I hope it lasts all day for you!!!