Thursday, February 08, 2007


Make sure you are changing your Blogger password regularly...seems to be a rash of h@ckers using a forced password program to hack people's account. Since Blogger doesn't have a lock out on their password system, the h@ckers can just keep trying until they get it right...I have seen at least 8 blogs today that were broken into in the last two days....and I am sure there are more.

Don't know why anyone would do this to someone else...just lame but then some people are just lame.

Seems that most of those claiming to being hacked were actually deleted by Blogger for TOS violations. At least one was really hacked and the password issue is still relevant but at least it is not a epidemic of hacking going on...


Girl said...

Is this all blogger blogs? or the old ones that aren't yet google accounts?

... said...

Looks like Blogger was deleting most of them for TOS violations (I wonder if they even tell you, or you just have a blog disappear) but the others were hacked. I think it is new blogger since the old blogger is going away...

I need to change my password more frequently than I do but I am afraid of getting locked out of the new system...haha.

Girl said...

Well that's a pain in the ass. I am starting to forget the passwords I already use never mind getting new ones. Ugh.