Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline

I am not a huge comic book fan, I really didn't read them as a kid, but just like most people, I have watched my fair share of shows and movies that are related to them. I figured that most of the superhero movies I have seen are from Marvel Comics, which is not the case necessarily and some of the subjects I didn't know were related to Marvel Comics, are. As you can see, this makes things rather confusing.

I was sucked into the Agents of Shield series recently and it started me looking at the timeline of things in the Marvel Universe. They kept referring to things in the show that tied into characters that weren't part of the show.

Obviously, the first thing for me to do was Google "marvel comics timeline" and I found this interesting article on CNET about the timeline that involves the shows and movies that are produced by the MCU. Note that this means that other movies or TV shows that were put out before MCU came to be or are produced by other entities are not included in this timeline. I was a bit confused by this at first because I have seen some superhero movies of both the DC Comics and Marvel Comic characters that are not included in CNET's list, but this is apparently due to the fact that this article is limiting itself to those that fall under the MCU enterprise and were produced by the MCU enterprise. So some might find the list lacking, but I felt like it was a great place to start. I am sure there is a lot more to it and I am sure that true fans of the comic books have a lot more to add to this.

This image explains a bit how the character rights are set up right now...note that Daredevil currently falls in the MCU. This explains the reason the X-Men are not included the CNET article.

Source: "Visual Guide to Marvel Character Movie Rights" Infographic by The Geek Twins [Infographic]
I have adjusted my Netflix DVD queue to reflect the list from CNET, and I have the first one, Captain America: The First Avenger sitting in my living room. I plan to rewatch those that I have seen before and I am a bit undecided if I will include the TV series' if they aren't ones I have already seen. Should be a fun adventure.

Ten Years Ago on In My Words...Truth or Dare

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