Friday, September 21, 2012

Productive Day

Today was a decent day. Haven't had a lot of those lately so this was a nice surprise. Managed to knock a bunch of stuff out without finding out during the course of it that something else was wrong or broken.

Took the truck in to find out about getting the tires rotated and turns out since I bought the tires from the same company, rotations are free...I had them check the brakes since I have been hearing a squeal during a slow stop. Brakes are okay for now. Back ones will need to be done soon but not immediately (which is good since I don't really have the cash to do them right this minute). I am sure the backs are worse than the fronts because of the stupid ebrake issues I had with it last year. Anyhow, they said that even though I was over due on the rotation, the tires were wearing evenly and that the suspension looked good. They said the squeal is from the dry air and dust. It was nice to not have bad news.

Went to the paint store to recycle some old paint while I was waiting for the truck to get done, and found a few a sample cards to stare at for a bit, since we are not going to be painting anything anytime We do want to paint some things eventually but it isn't high on the priority list.

Stopped at the hardware store to recycle some alkaline batteries and got to talking with the electrician there and got a ton of great info. Found out I can still get the little clips for the pool pump timer so that task everyday will be minimized, which is nice since the pumps will need to run all winter. Managed to come home and figure out how to make the pool light come on, yeah!!! Then immediately took the switch apart since it needs to be replaced. You have no idea how excited I was to see that light come on though.

Potted three bamboos this morning and they all look great in their new pots and new locations. Also finally got two small lavendars put in a new pot for the front balcony. I'll post pics when I get them on the blog for the house.

Have a bit of running around tomorrow morning before an appt and of course still have a million more things on the To Do list (as usual), but at least there are a few less.

Five Years Ago on In My Words...Coming Along

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Maru Strikes Again

This is new Maru...somehow, he just doesn't seem that satisfied with this less compact version...


Five Years Ago on In My Words...House
So weird that it was five years ago...feels just like yesterday!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Help Forum Time

I managed to get some time logged on the Blogger Help Forum today. It is the first time in a long time that I have had the time to sit down and concentrate on it in a while. It felt good to feel like I was helping someone.

It looks like we are going to be switching permanently to the new User Interface. I have not been a fan of the new interface, in fact still do not use it, but it looks like they might have addressed some of the major things we brought up in the past so I hope it won't be too painful of a transition. I expect that the Help Forum will be very busy that day though...

This is really the first time in a long time I have been able to spend any kind of time on my computer...kind of a nice change. I need to get some updates done on all the blogs and on both my systems...and of course backups done. Always do your backups won't regret it.

Seven Years Ago on In My Words...Blogger Comment Problems