Wednesday, January 29, 2014

POTD Day 29 Window

This is one of the views from our front window of the house we had in NC for 3 years. I took a pic during each season from this same spot and this particular one is from the spring when the beautiful dogwood in front was just starting to bloom.

We knew we weren't staying forever so we didn't make a ton of changes to this house (hence the old fashioned pull down blinds), but nothing could take away from how cool the view was and how you could see each season through that window.

We had a lot of fun at this house. We did a big landscaping project in the backyard, discovered a bunch of new birds (being that we normally didn't live on the East Coast), and practiced up our skills in some home improvement areas we hadn't ventured into before. J's work didn't keep him away as much so he was able to divulge in some of the hobbies he enjoys like wood working, and we both got to play tons of golf which was awesome.

I am thrilled that the word for today really let me go back to some old pictures and check them out. I took this picture with our older Fujifilm Finepix f601 camera with no flash. I edited it in GIMP for color, light and then added the fuzzy border.

Nine Years Ago on In My Words...Birds

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