Tuesday, January 14, 2014

POTD Day 14 Three Things

Since moving on from electrical projects around the Bamboo Lagoon, plumbing has become my new "passion"...LOL. We had some substantial water damage a while back and lost a vanity in our lower bathroom.

So a new vanity has been purchased, but can't be completely installed until we get the floors redone. I want to do a "rough" install just to make sure that everything is going to fit before we commit to this particular vanity.

Well, on top of that, the faucet in the upper bathroom is almost shot, so I thought that putting the same one in there would be a great improvement. So here is the new faucet, a tub of plumber's putty and the faithful Channel Locks...

These three things seem to be filling my project days, and it is cool because I am always willing to learn something new.

I took this picture with my Fuji Finepix f50 without a flash on the new vanity in the downstairs bathroom. I edited it in GIMP 2.6 for color, light and then added the fuzzy border.

Eight Years Ago on In My Words...And The Hits Keep Coming

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