Sunday, October 23, 2016

Thai Green Curry With Chicken

Made this today for lunch with fresh organic eggplant from my father in law's garden.

It is called Gaeng Keaow Wan Gai in Thai and it is one of my favorite Thai curry dishes.

It is a little bit off my fitness quest but I had the fresh eggplant and needed to use it in something. I made sure to keep my portion in check.

I started on a fitness quest last week and managed to get through the first three days which were the toughest. Normally my eating isn't too bad, but with Halloween candy in the house, I had deviated off course big time. No more of that.

This dish is pretty easy to make...I already had the chicken cooked earlier in the week, and I just added green curry paste, fish sauce, sugar, keffir lime leaves, basil, coconut milk, and fresh eggplant. I steamed jasmine rice in the rice cooker.

So delicious!
Seven Years Ago on In My favorite Japanese curry

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