Thursday, May 15, 2014

Smile 45/100 Tool

Thanks to my FIL, I have a new favorite yard tool. He called his a potato spade and it was this cool short fork that just opened up the earth so well.

I found this one at a local DIY, but they called it a spading fork...either way, it looked like the one dad had so I got it, and it has already been put to use in our yard.

I am turning up a bed in front of our driveway that needs some new life brought to it, and this baby is making the job so much easier! Love it!

After this bed is finished, there are tons and tons of other spots this baby will come in handy.

I took this picture in the evening with the fork leaning on our tailgate with my Fuji Finepix f50 using the flash. I edited it in GIMP 2.6 for color, light and then to add the fuzzy border.

Eight Years Ago on In My Words...Interesting Finds

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